Lucas Goosens

LucasPlus Jewelry // Shot by Sean P. Watters

Wearing Pixel Eye Ring $150, 2x Pixel Band $110 each, Triple Plus Ring $90, Gold Plus Ring $110

Wearing Pixel Eye Ring $150, 2x Pixel Band $110 each, Triple Plus Ring $90, Gold Plus Ring $110

Who says men can't wear jewelry?

I've always been a big fan of wearing jewelry. More so now as I mature, then the past actually. It's a quick and easy way to sharpen up any look whether casual or chic. It's a category in which, surprisingly, most men aren't comfortable trusting their own ability to pull off successfully.

A lot of jewelry-wearing-men usually begin with a watch, but it doesn't have to end there. Although it's a good start, you can incorporate tons of different variations of jewelry. Personally I like to layer a lot of rings, and a necklace or two... You'd be surprised how much it can actually bring together even the simplest outfit. 

Wearing Gold Plus Pendant $90
Wearing Gold Plus Pendant $90

Wearing Gold Plus Pendant $90

I had the privilege of recently collaborating with Lucas Goossens, designer, and man behind my new favorite jewelry brand LucasPlus Jewelry. I love this jewelry because you wear it and you feel empowered, it's a constant reminder of not only being positive, but to also spread it. LucasPlus jewelry is "conceived with positive energy in mind." Not only is the jewelry expertly designed, but they are a refreshing and subtle reminder, that a negative mind and ego can be cured.

So I spent the night traveling up to Harlem 125th Street to visit my good friend and photographer Sean P. Watters, who captured the jewelry effortlessly. (See Below)

Wearing 3D Plus Necklace $90

Wearing 3D Plus Necklace $90

Visit now to get your own and start spreading POSITIVITY!