
'A penthouse story' Shot by Cyle Suesz

Vintage Rolling Stones Tee, Underwear by Calvin Klein.

Vintage Rolling Stones Tee, Underwear by Calvin Klein.

Have you ever heard of the saying "When life hands you lemons, you make lemonade" ? Well, when New York City gives you access to a sick penthouse in Tribeca, you do a photoshoot in it... at least that's what I did. It involved halfway drowning in a bathtub that took an hour to fill up, being shirtless in -5 degrees Celsius weather, a wolf fur coat (Sorry PETA), a lot of Pinot Noir, and one of the first photographers to photograph me when I was like 19: Cyle Suesz

Every time we get together we just have a great time and some of my best pictures come out of it. You can check out a shoot from 2012 we've collaborated on HERE

Shirt by Dolce & Gabbana.

Shirt by Dolce & Gabbana.

Hat by Calvin Klein, and Vintage Wolf Fur Coat.

Hat by Calvin Klein, and Vintage Wolf Fur Coat.

Underwear by Versace, Jewelry by Luca Plus Jewelry. 

Underwear by Versace, Jewelry by Luca Plus Jewelry. 

Β© George Alvin